Fit For Life Challenge

Fit For Life Challenge

The purpose of Fit For Life is to encourage, inspire, and motivate people to live a balanced life both physically and spiritually! Spiritual health and well- being are often largely emphasized when referring to a Christian lifestyle. As Christians, we often spend the majority of our time focusing only on our spiritual relationship we forget about the physical aspect. However, God also wants us to take care of our bodies in every way! (1 Corin. 6:19-20)

We need a balance of both! God needs us to be leading examples and energized to do His work! Just as it is impossible to become healthy by merely reading books or articles on physical fitness, you cannot develop spiritual fitness by simply reading the Bible or listening to sermons. Rather, you must apply what you are learning by energetically doing the will of God.

Fit for life combines health and fitness with prayer, scripture, and spiritual inspiration! So let us be Fit through faith, fit for the fight – FIT FOR LIFE! Are you up for the challenge?